About Me

Hi! Welcome to my blog. I'm a fitness devotee and food fanatic! I have the biggest sweet tooth on this Earth! However, as much as I wish I can drown myself in a snicker doodle cupcake, my body just isn't that forgiving. I am a professional model, and beauty queen (hence the foodie queen, hehe) who recently graduated with a degree in Broadcast Journalism. Because of the industry I'm in, you can only imagine the type of diets I've been on. It has affected my body incredibly which has led me to discovering "Clean Eating". Thanks to Jamie Eason, I have seen the results people have had with her Livefit trainer so I decided to do the program and start a blog to share my journey and encourage others to live a clean and healthy lifestyle!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

New Personal Website

First and foremost I would like to announce that my new personal Website is coming soon.... so stay posted!!

Secondly, l my journey with livefit has officially come to an end, but now I begin on a new journey. One in which I never thought possible, or even crossed my mind. One in which I am very excited to be on and can not wait for the ending result! Are you ready for it??? Wait for it??? Ok i Think your ready...drumrolll......I am doing my very FIRST fitness competition!!!!!!

I am super excited to be embarking on this journey. Not only will the outcome be the ultimate reward but I am excited to see a different world. Yes, I have always been into fitness and working out. Yes I have done pageants but fitness competitions are a complete different ball game. The dedication that everyone has and the support that everyone gives one another is undeniable. Well lets see how this journey will be. I know there will be days where I am frustrated because I am not seeing teh results as fast as I want, and days where I would rather stay at home snuggling up with my doggie instead of hitting 2 rounds of the gym.....but in the end I know it will all be worth it.

This past weekend my best friend asked me, "why do you do it?" Why do you put yourself through all that sacrifice?" (mind you we were sitting at PF Chang's and all I was having a water because I made sure to eat my meal before coming so I wouldn't be tempted) I told her," I do it because I love the feeling of accomplishment!" That indescribable feeling when you look at yourself in the mirror and you remember all those sweat and tears you had to endure and to know see the end result. Its a pat on the back and a self-assuring fact that "you can do anything you set your mind to"

Yes there are times when you went to say "screw it" and just have a greasy cheeseburger....but honestly what is that? Just 1 minute sense of pleasure and a lifetime of guilt? or even worse? A lifetime of always feeling ugly because you are not proud of your body and confident enough to love yourself? By all means, if you have found a way to love your body as is ...good for you! The whole thing is for you to LOVE yourself and be confident with who you are!! I can't feel that way unless I workout and eat healthy. Don't get me wrong, I am not saying that this has to be the way that everyone thinks...at all!! More power to you if you go against the norm of society and love yourself just how you are!! I love my curves! I love that I am not stick thin but I love it even more when I sweat and work for what I want! :)

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Week 11

Wow I can't believe I am almost done with the livefit. I am feeling amazing! I must say the sprints from week 9&10 were killer but I was very proud of myself for finishing everyday strong. U haven't lost much but my body fat has reduced a lot. I'll post pix soon!!!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

No more Artificial Sweetner

I'd also like to share this story that I saw on facebook. I must say that I already started to stop using TRUVIA. i USED HONEY THIS MORNING IN MY OATS :)

I have come to an end of my 'FOUR WEEK NO SPLENDA CHALLENGE'. I didn't post anything prior to today about doing this because I honestly didn't know if I was going to be able to stick with it! Like many people, sweets are my weakness. I picked Splenda as my choice of sweetener because it is supposed to be the better of the others. I have always known how bad certain sweeteners are on your body and how it affects the process of leaning out, but never realized the full effect of it until now. This picture says it all. I wonder now what the Splenda is doing to the inside of my body since it can make such a drastic difference to the outside. When our bodies react to substances that we intake in a negative way; there is a reason. During this 4 weeks, I have changed NOTHING to my exercise routine. When it comes to diet, I have been drinking more water to flush out any toxins in my body while maintaining my regular meal plan. Like I have always said, there is NO easy way out of anything. It has taken me YEARS to understand this. Everything must be done the right way to acheive the long-term results that so many seek. The great thing is that time does pass and great acheivements come with it if things are done the right way. So why not go about everything you strive for in the right manner?

So many people ask what 'my secret' is to leaning out and staying healthy, and the only answer in my mind is:

"That there is NO secret. The sources are out there for anyone to accomplish their fitness and health goals BUT it's how willing you are to do it right."

I am so glad I stuck to this challenge because it has made me want to completely cut out sweeteners from here on out. This is why I also tell people that knowledge is key and things work when you start applying them to your actions. You start to make changes involuntarily rather than doing something you don't want to do (which will most likely lead you back to point A, instead of continuing the progression).

-->The left picture was taken exactly 4 weeks prior to starting my challenge and the picture on the right is 28 days after that. I hope that some of you learn something out of this post and that it will motivate you to try this for 4 weeks! Please post on my page if you are willing to try this and take progression pictures! I would love to feature someone into my book I am currently working on called "Mentally Fit". Those who complete this with progress pictures will all be considered. Remember, that it's a short time to stick to something for a life-long change! :)


Photo: I have come to an end of my 'FOUR WEEK NO SPLENDA CHALLENGE'.  I didn't post anything prior to today about doing this because I honestly didn't know if I was going to be able to stick with it!  Like many people, sweets are my weakness. I picked Splenda as my choice of sweetener because it is supposed to be the better of the others.   I have always known how bad certain sweeteners are on your body and how it affects the process of leaning out, but never realized the full effect of it until now.  This picture says it all.  I wonder now what the Splenda is doing to the inside of my body since it can make such a drastic difference to the outside.  When our bodies react to substances that we intake in a negative way; there is a reason.  During this 4 weeks, I have changed NOTHING to my exercise routine.  When it comes to diet, I have been drinking more water to flush out any toxins in my body while maintaining my regular meal plan.  Like I have always said, there is NO easy way out of anything.  It has taken me YEARS to understand this.  Everything must be done the right way to acheive the long-term results that so many seek.  The great thing is that time does pass and great acheivements come with it if things are done the right way.  So why not go about everything you strive for in the right manner?  

So many people ask what 'my secret' is to leaning out and staying healthy, and the only answer in my mind is:

"That there is NO secret.  The sources are out there for anyone to accomplish their fitness and health goals BUT it's how willing you are to do it right."  

I am so glad I stuck to this challenge because it has made me want to completely cut out sweeteners from here on out.  This is why I also tell people that knowledge is key and things work when you start applying them to your actions.  You start to make changes involuntarily rather than doing something you don't want to do (which will most likely lead you back to point A, instead of continuing the progression).

-->The left picture was taken exactly 4 weeks prior to starting my challenge and the picture on the right is 28 days after that.  I hope that some of you learn something out of this post and that it will motivate you to try this for 4 weeks!  Please post on my page if you are willing to try this and take progression pictures!  I would love to feature someone into my book I am currently working on called "Mentally Fit".  Those who complete this with progress pictures will all be considered.  Remember, that it's a short time to stick to something for a life-long change! :)

Day 66

Wow I almost done with livefit! I must say that I absolutely love this program and will probably do it a 2nd time. This time around I haven't been that great on the diet. I had Ny in the middle of it, and although I've eaten very clean, I have snacked in between meals which is a big NO NO.

I have noticed some differences especially in my abdominal area. (I will post pictures soon)

I also made this amazing chicken that I will post the recipe soon....toodles

Friday, July 6, 2012

4th of July in New York

I went to New York on Monday because I had some meetings and since it was my mom's bday on the 4th, as a b-day surprise I bought her a plane ticket to go with me! We turned into a girls vacation since my aunt and nieces tagged along. We saw a lot of things in only a couple of days. I was only able to get in one workout but honestly with how much we walked, I did not feel so bad about that. My shoe even broke just to give you a little insight of the excessive walking that was done. I have blisters on every part of my feet.

Now as far as the nutrition goes, I am very happy because I did not over indulge. I was able to stick to clean-eating as much as possible. I did, however, have little bites here and there of dessert, pizza, fires, burgers that my family was eating. Just little tastes and that was enough to keep me satisfied. We went to Bobby Flay's restaurant " Bar Americain" and the food was delicious. I ordered the Florida grouper and it was amazing. My niece ordered the ribs and those things where to die for. We also ate at Mario Batalli's restaurant "Otto's" I did have a slice of pizza because it was just so darn interesting. It was a pizza with an egg on top. It was a thin crust and the slices where very small.

We even had tea at the American Girl place and it was such a fun, girly thing to do. We had a blast. The most amazing trip, although it was definitely not relaxing in the bit, it was unforgettable. My meetings went very well and I am very happy with the outcome of it....stay tuned for all the wonderful things coming!!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Day 43

I was really tired this morning when I went to the gym, it also did not help that today's leg workout was killer. Its funny because I looked at it last night and thought " Oh there is barely any exercises...this is going to be a breeze". Boy was I wrong! Yes there were only 6 exercises but each one was sooo long and tedious.... glad I got that out of the way. This afternoon I will be trying out a new spinning class at SlimCycle, I'm pretty stoked about it. It's in the new easy rider bike, hopefully I won't fall off. I am going with my mother, niece and friend (goes to show you you can workout at any age)

I also started counting calories and I still haven't gotten the jiff of it. I am always hungry and I have been eating a little more which is scaring me a bit.

Today's Meal (High Calorie)
Breakfast: 5 eggwhites
                3/4c berries
                1 tsp coconut oil
                1/2c caffe latte w/ almond milk

Snack: 2 rice cakes w/ 1 tsp SF strawberry jelly
            Tuna w/ mustard

Lunch: 4oz Sweet Potato
            2 of Jamie Eason's Turkey Meatloaf Muffins
            1/2 c greenbeans

Snack: 4 of Jamie Eason's Lemon Bars

Dinner: 6oz Jamie Eason Monster Meatloaf

 Seems like alot right??? That doesn't even add up to my 1750 calories I need to consume today!!!

Monday, June 18, 2012

June Foodie Penpals

So sorry I have been MIA lately, I've just been extremely busy. But I am back and with some great goodies from Carrie's Sweet Life. She sent me some delicious goodies that u can not wait to get my hands on on my cheat day!! The cereal is made in her town ad well as the chocolate and taffy! I even got a spatula which I was actually in great need of! Can't wait to try it all.